Install NodeJS v0.12.0 on Raspberry Pi

Reasons Why

Here at work I use NodeJS on my Raspberry Pi for quick script hacks. Most notable are quick and dirty API displays such as Twitter Streams, latest code commits from a Bitbucket repository and a dashboard of server information.

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Automatically Connect Raspberry Pi to Wi-Fi

The Internet. It’s big and exciting but you don’t want to load up a GUI in order to connect to it. There are a couple of ways you can configure your Pi to connect over Wi-Fi when it boots up.

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How to change Raspberry Pi's Swapfile Size on Raspbian

Reason Why

Ever get the dreaded error:

Virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory

With the first iterations of Raspberry Pi the Model A comes with 256mb of memory. While the Raspberry Pi B comes with a modest 512mb of memory. For most applications this amount of memory is actually quiet a bit. As soon as you start compiling your own binaries this amount starts to seem dismal.

*Insert reason why swap on flash-based memory is bad here.

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Compiling PhantomJS 2.0 on Raspberry Pi

Reason Why

PhantomJS is a tool we use here at work for various front end testing with CasperJS in front of it. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could offload the test scripts to run on the Raspberry Pi? For that we would need the PhantomJS binary for Raspberry Pi.

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Installing PhantomJS on the Raspberry Pi

First lets make sure you are in your home directory.

cd ~


git clone

It’s a big binary. She’ll be busy for a bit.

Now we’ll want to apply permissions to run it

chmod -x ~/phantomjs-raspberrypi/bin/phantomjs


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Switching Your Keyboard Layout on Raspbian

Being in the United States and using a keyboard with the US layout, I was experiencing issues typing on my Pi. Hitting the @ key was displaying quotes. This led me to a symbol guessing game that got old quick.

The issue is raspbian has a default Great Britian keyboard layout. The Pi is made in the UK, so this makes sense. But I’ll need to switch the settings.

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